Message From MD November – 2021
03 November 2021

Dear Friends,
November is our anniversary month. This year, it’s so special as we complete fifteen years of meaningful existence. We have been busy all these days, acquiring more than one customer per day. It was a wonderful experience.
Your dedication and creativity can only be matched with an unquenchable thirst for success. We started with a few, but now we are many in numbers and talents and creativity. On this special occasion, I want to congratulate all of you, a big round of applause for all the fantastic team members who made this company incredible. Without the help of all of you, ASSET is nothing. Happy anniversary in advance!
The year gone by was a rollercoaster ride. It was a wild ride from new beginnings to new projects, mishaps to detours, and in-office friendship to frenemies. The coming year has a critical impact on new objectives and accomplishments as the anniversary is the best time to take up new avenues. Every anniversary comes with a glimmer of hope and optimism. So our corporate blood group has to be B+.
Many things that happen in the workplace are outside of our control. For example, how many meetings do we attend each day, how do our roles change due to reorganisations, technological malfunctions and insufficient cash flows, the inevitable delays, etc. How we perceive, interpret and respond to these challenges is up to us and approaching such events with positivity can make them easier to manage.
Optimism is formally defined as an individual’s expectancy of positive outcomes. The importance of optimism in the workplace is having the mindset of seeing the glass as half full — and it’s one of the keys to boosting well-being and engagement.
Approaching everyday work life with optimism provides a structure for shaping experiences through a lens of positivity. Activating feelings of optimism has been found to help individuals feel healthier, more committed to and engaged with their work and less burned out. People with high levels of experience activators — such as optimism, resilience, purpose and other markers of well-being — have less stress and better well-being, engagement and productivity.
While it’s essential for individuals to bring an optimistic mindset to work, management must foster an environment that allows individuals to revel in that optimism. There are many ways for organisations to safeguard employees from low morale and facilitate an environment that encourages teams to thrive.
At Asset Homes, we always try to implement FOUR ideas. The most important among them is to celebrate the strength of team members. Keeping the team members informed at a good desired level and normalised work flexibility and trust in them will bring in a high level of positivity and optimism. The team is motivated by the recognition that’s honest, authentic and personalised. Acknowledging their contributions, strengths, and gifts is a cost-effective way to boost work performance and morale.
Transparency at all levels of operation to keep everyone informed is the best way to create optimism. Finally, it’s essential to give autonomy to team members and to control their workflow. Personally, I believe, Members are to be evaluated on their performance only not on the number of hours they spend on a matter without final results. We also think employees to be empowered to allow decision-making opportunities. When involved in decision-making, people are more likely to feel valued, trusted and motivated to be more involved.
The creation of an encouraging and motivating environment is the basic need of an aspiring organisation. Management can never create it on their own; they can only facilitate. It’s the responsibility of every team member to get self-involved and make a mechanism to self regulate, motivate and come out victorious.
Warm regards
Sunil Kumar V