Message from MD – March 2017
01 March 2017

Dear Friends,
My heart spill over with gratefulness to you for being with Asset Homes all the way. As we successfully cross over a decade in responsibly building Kerala, we have decided on many future plans. These include world class models of Assisted Living for Senior Citizens, 96 sq.ft.- Self-contained SELFIE Apartments for Youth, affordable housing projects in 10 prominent cities of South India and 20 new projects across 14 cities of Kerala under the series Aura, Luxuria, Exotica and Asset Plus.
As part of resuming the journey of responsibility that encompasses four distinctive values – prompt delivery, total quality, customer centricity and societal responsibility – into the new decade, we have evolved into a new identity.
The new logo encapsulates our philosophy of responsibility in its entirety with its two icons; the ‘keyhole’ and the ‘canopy.’ The ‘keyhole’ in the tree of trust manifests safety for investments, timely delivery and total quality, whereas the ‘canopy’ symbolizes customer centricity and sustainable living.
The logo change is being effected in a phased manner across all platforms and places, and shall be completed by 31st March 2017.
I welcome you to be part of our new journey of responsibility, in the new look, to build homes and hopes in a million hearts! I Expect your valuable support and encouragement, as always!!!
February was a month of rejuvenation. Magical turnaround on sales front, collection and execution. We are back on track. Cheers to the great team called ASSET.
The whole world is passing through an unsteady environment of business. The so-called business uncertainty is the toughest challenge in front of all managers. With the events of 2016—demonetisation, Brexit, the election of Donald Trump, threats from terrorists and cyber criminals, climate change—business leaders have entered a new era requiring new ways of leading. Traditional management methods seem no longer sufficient to address the volume of change we are seeing. Harvard business school label this VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous). VUCA describes perfectly what is happening in the global business world today. In short, rapid-fire changes 2016, are putting extreme pressure on business community to lead in ways not heretofore seen. Authentic business houses like ours must step forward and lead in ways that business schools don’t teach. The following can be a different version of VUCA.
Vision – Today’s business managers need the ability to see through the chaos to have a clear vision for their organizations. They must define the mission, values, and strategy.
Understanding – With their vision in hand, leaders need in-depth understanding of their organization’s capabilities and strategies to take advantage of rapidly changing circumstances by playing to their strengths while minimizing their weaknesses.
Courage – Now more than ever, leaders need the courage to step up to these challenges and make audacious decisions that embody risks and often go against the grain.
Adaptability – Flexible tactics are required for rapid adaptation to changing external circumstances, without altering strategic course.
With external volatility the prevalent characteristic these days, business managers who stay focused on their mission and values and have the courage to deploy bold strategies building on their strengths will be the winners. Those who abandon core values or lock themselves into fixed positions and fail to adapt will wind up the losers.
The last month of the current financial year is just begun. Let’s all put our efforts together to mark a great growth than previous year and move forward to our vision for 2020.
Sunil Kumar V