Message From MD July – 2020
01 July 2020

Dear friends,
The COVID 19 induced lockdown has accelerated the use of digital platforms like never before. Maybe, after 5-6 months, we may miss the old way of working. The new normal is taking root.
My recent interactions with our team revealed that the majority of Assetians prefer working from the office than Work From Home. Many of them pointed out the absence of corporate culture, sense of ownership, and loss of camaraderie while working from home. But situations forced us to do that. Many of us have proved that our job can be done from anywhere in the world. Now its time to prove, we are the best people to do it. We have entered a new normal.
It’s quite natural that each time you’re about to make a decision for your business, the first question you should ask yourself is, ‘Where’s the revenue?’. Many fall into the trap of believing that you won’t have revenue in the initial stages. But why shouldn’t you have a revenue? If there’s no revenue, it’s easy to get distracted.
Many establishments believe and are motivated by the possibility of making money from business ideas and brands in the future. To keep your team lean and focused, always keep revenue in your mind while making any decision.
The ‘need of the hour’ is to become a lean and focussed organization. A lean organization has a commitment to its customers and will try to reduce the wastage to the lowest possible, by focusing all its resources on producing the best possible value for customers. Investments are carefully considered and only made when it is clear that a long-term advantage exists in doing so. Fluff is cut away until all that is left are committed employees who directly affect the product or service delivery. Any organization can be made lean as long as the organization’s mission remains in clear focus.
I have personally conducted an honest assessment of our work practices. I know change is too tough, particularly since we are running the business in the same way for so many years. We are forced to look at our current practices to determine which are those that can be axed without any inconvenience to the customer.
The most difficult part of streamlining a business is reducing its team members. It is true that middle management can be cut without a corresponding loss in productivity. But the reality with us is that middle-level employees often have a better understanding of their jobs than their bosses do. I have also noted a few leaders of our organization acting as a parent who has all the answers. In short, I have only little room for sentimental hires in the future. Becoming lean is a continuous process and we have to look at this process as an ongoing activity as opposed to a one-time fix.
We are going to witness higher productivity, better payoffs to members based on performance, increased morale of team members, the curated relationship among the whole family, and highly result-oriented and focussed activities in near future. Each and every employee will be empowered to make better decisions. They will be aware of where they stand and where they can improve to create quality work.
The second innings is going to be so bright! I welcome all of you to this new lean, strength-based, diverse, gentle, positive, intelligent, transparent, focussed and inspiring space called ASSET, where the management wants you to succeed, evolve and grow into the best version of yourselves!
We all need to safely cross these challenging days and also need a smart team of colleagues to cheer us when we attain our professional goals. This is what we are here to do…Be with me to enjoy the culture called ASSET.
Sunil Kumar v
Founder and Managing director
Asset homes