MD’s Messages

Message From MD July – 2021

01 July 2021
Message From MD July – 2021

Dear friends,

The first quarter of FY 21 -22 is over. With just 50% working days, lockdown restrictions, reduction of banking days, minimal functioning of Govt. Machinery and statutory systems, we are still in the tunnel of darkness, crawling towards the distant bright spot.

The first quarter witnessed innovative ideas of marketing, branding, communication and servicing. Engaging the customers in environment day celebrations and conducting vaccination camps for customers and families were new stories to the industry. Asset, as a brand, was ethical, aggressive, positive and progressive in these challenging times. Congratulations to all performers, and best wishes for a brighter second quarter.

SELL MORE, SELL BETTER, SELL FASTER is the mantra of these times. Our sales force can not be just a group of people. It should be an engine that can propel the organization towards better results, bigger profits and greater success. So we have to ensure that our sales team is firing on all cylinders. But the sad part is that many people hate selling, and many distrust salespeople. Many find the whole premise and purpose of sales distasteful. Many people still consider sales as manipulative, conniving, even morally offensive. This disdain toward sales isn’t limited to buyers, but by sales people too. I have seen many salespersons strike the word “sales” from their vocabulary, talking instead about “business development”.

If we believe the purpose of selling is to get the sale, get the buyer to buy, to get the buyer to hand over the money, then you have made three key assumptions. First, the purpose of selling is one-sided – all about the seller; second, that value to the buyer is irrelevant, as long as it’s enough to result in a sale. And third, that selling is essentially competitive – you fail if you don’t get the deal. It is precisely the source of the problem. It all starts there. Instead, try this simple alternative statement from today onwards. The purpose of selling is to improve the buyer’s life.

If our purpose is to improve the buyer’s life and if our product doesn’t improve things for the buyer, then we shouldn’t sell it to them, or in other words, if a competitor truly has a superior solution for a client’s pain points, as a salesperson we should recommend the competitor.

When we see the purpose of selling is to improve the client’s life, things change fundamentally. Our goals are no longer in conflict with the client, but they are precisely and profoundly aligned. Our clients have every reason to trust us and no longer distrust us. Selling is no longer about competition with clients, competitors, or fellow team members. It is all about collaboration in ways that can unify our sales organization. The sale itself becomes not the goal but a byproduct.

Friends, If you re-conceive the purpose of selling in this way, your clients will recognize it very quickly, at least in some cases. By your very willingness to forego the sale, you increase the likelihood of buyers buying from you.

Sales is a stage play where the actors are willing to act according to the audience’s response. Each person among the audience may behave differently. But it’s up to the actor to instantaneously understand, conceive and communicate effectively for a final shake hand.

I wish you a wonderful and rewarding month of July.

Sunil Kumar V
Founder & Managing Director
Asset Homes