Message From MD – July 2019
01 July 2019

Dear friends,
I am very happy to congratulate you and place my warmest regards and gratitude on record at receiving a CRISIL rating upgrade. We are now at DA2+ grading, which is the highest among builders in Kerala. CRISIL’s DA2+ rating indicates that ‘the developer’s ability to execute real estate projects as per the specified quality level within the stipulated time schedule and to transfer a clean title with 100% legal ownership is VERY GOOD’. The agency has also considered our overall performance while raising the rating from DA2 to DA2+. The upgrade primarily factors in the company’s strong experience, strong marketing and development strategies, standardized workflow processes and systems, and good second-line management team and advisory board. We received the DA2+ citation from Ajay Kumar, Regional Head, CRISIL, at a function held in Kochi.
I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate and also to express our sincere gratitude and regards to all the employees, stakeholders, vendors, consultants, advisory board members, contractors, well wishers and all the customers of Asset Homes. While this accomplishment fills us with pride, it also throws us a challenge – to consistently keep the high expectations fulfilled.
“Show me a person who has never made a mistake and I’ll show you someone who has never achieved much.”― Joan Collins
There is a single common thread about every person who has ever had a significant achievement. That thread is that they had to work hard for their success.
Achievement never comes with a lightning bolt of inspiration, it comes after countless hours of toil, and then MAYBE, a lightning bolt of inspiration. Of course, it is a little bit disingenuous to hint that hard work is the only thing you need to achieve success.
While it is extremely difficult, or even bordering on the impossible, to achieve success without hard work, the simple fact that you work hard does not always guarantee success. Things like having confidence in your abilities, being an organised person, and even something like just plain old good luck all factor into the chance of achieving success.
Let’s get REAL!
Successes keep us going. If we are not happy, we are probably not having enough success, or at least not enough of the right kind of success, which is an all-important distinction! Let’s take care not to get caught up in small Junk Bond successes and miss the bigger Blue Chip SUCCESSES that represent our full potential and rightful destiny. Patience is a virtue. And disciplined goaltending is most likely to give us the best positive traction. We at Asset homes can defer gratifications associated with instant, immediate and rapidly repetitive small successes and can try to look toward more distant horizons with passion and purpose to reap the most rewarding successes and have the most satisfying and sustainable outcomes.
Best wishes for the second quarter of the financial year and warm regards,
Sunil Kumar V